Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Avoid spam elements on your web pages

eMarketing system recommend... Controlling spam and web content [An article from: Infosecurity Today]

Worldwide Secure Content Management 2005-2009 Forecast Update and 2004 Vendor Shares: Spyware, Spam, and Malicious Code Continue to Wreak HavocToday I would like to talk about something, though it's a short discussion but very important, it's about spam elements on your web pages.

If search engines found that you use hidden text, cloaking, doorway pages and/or any other spam technique on your web pages then not only your search engine rankings will dropped finally your website will be penalized soon because search engines very hate spam.

Although your website hasn't been penalized yet even you used spam technique on your web pages, it doesn't mean that search engines won't find the spam elements in the near future. So, just remove all spam elements from your web pages before it too late.

Hopefully this useful for you.

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