Friday, July 25, 2008

How They Can Guarantee Your Search Engine Rankings

Normally there are two types of listings in the search engines.

First on the left, you will see the "organic listings", which by definition are free and another on the right hand side of the page in the search engine results they're "Pay-Per-Click listings" (PPC). Placement in the PPC listings is an auction environment. The highest bidder on a keyword will be in the top spot in the PPC results. The second highest bid will hold the second spot respectively.

For those who wish to rank in the organic search results will need to employ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to improve their rankings. There are literally hundreds of SEO companies, who specialize in helping their clients climb in the "organic" search result listings. However, SEO is a time-consuming process that needs the efforts of specialists, who have great knowledge and skills in manipulating the search engine results.

What Google has to say about this practice and its accompanying industry? You can read at Google Webmaster Help Center.

Of course, organic listings are best if you can get them, because they will deliver free traffic to your website, sometimes for years. However, there is only one company who can guarantee you top rankings in Google, and that company is Google. Although Google could guarantee you top rankings in their search results, they won't do it and never for any amount of money.

So when you see the company whose promises you about how they can guarantee your search engine rankings, keep your wallet and runaway as fast as possible.


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